Click on any event for more information. Send your submissions/corrections to:

January 2020

4 – Quadrantid Meteor Shower peaks between midnight and dawn (after moon set)
8 – Central Montana Astronomy Society, monthly meeting (Great Falls)
10 – Full moon
10 – Western Montana Astronomical Association, monthly meeting (Missoula)
25 – “Meet Your Telescope” (Helena Astronomical Society)
17? – Kootenai Stargazers Astronomy Club, monthly meeting (Libby)
24 – New moon
24 – Big Sky Astronomy Club monthly meeting (Kalispell)
31 – Star Party, Central Montana Astronomy Society (Great Falls)

February 2020

9 – Full moon
12 – Central Montana Astronomy Society, monthly meeting (Great Falls)
14 – Western Montana Astronomical Association, monthly meeting (Missoula)
18 – Moon passes in front of Mars 05:00 ~4 degrees above SE horizon
21? – Kootenai Stargazers Astronomy Club, monthly meeting (Libby)
21- Big Sky Astronomy Club monthly meeting (Kalispell)
23 – New moon
28 – Star Party, Central Montana Astronomy Society (Great Falls)

March 2020

9 – Full moon
11 – Central Montana Astronomy Society, monthly meeting (Great Falls)
13 – Western Montana Astronomical Association, monthly meeting (Missoula)
20 – Vernal Equinox Star Party (Carter Co. Museum, Ekalaka)
20? – Kootenai Stargazers Astronomy Club, monthly meeting (Libby)
24 – New moon
27 – Big Sky Astronomy Club monthly meeting (Kalispell)
27 – Star Party, Central Montana Astronomy Society (Great Falls)

April 2020

1 to 30 – Global Astronomy Month
3 – Star Party, Central Montana Astronomy Society (Great Falls)
7 – Full moon
8 – Central Montana Astronomy Society, monthly meeting (Great Falls)
8 – Supermoon Day at Carter County Museum (Ekalaka)
10 – Western Montana Astronomical Association, monthly meeting (Missoula)
17? – Kootenai Stargazers Astronomy Club, monthly meeting (Libby)
19 – Astronomy & Aerospace Day, Museum of the Rockies (Bozeman)
19 to 26 – International Dark Sky Week
19 to 26 – International Dark Sky Week activities at Carter Co. Museum (Ekalaka)
22 – New moon
22 – Lyrid Meteor Shower peaks between midnight and dawn (no moonlight)
24 – Big Sky Astronomy Club monthly meeting (Kalispell)

May 2020

2 – Astronomy Day at Carter Co. Museum (Ekalaka)
5 – Eta Equariid Meteor Shower peaks between midnight and dawn (almost-full moon)
6 – Central Montana Astronomy Society, monthly meeting (Great Falls)
7 – Full moon
8 – Western Montana Astronomical Association, monthly meeting (Missoula)
15 – Lone Pine Star Party (Kalispell)
15? – Kootenai Stargazers Astronomy Club, monthly meeting (Libby)
22 – New moon
22 – Big Sky Astronomy Club monthly meeting (Kalispell)
22 – Star Party (Medicine Rocks State Park, Ekalaka)
23 – Star Party (MacNab Pond, Ekalaka)
25 – Star Party Extravaganza, Central Montana Astronomy Society (Great Falls)

June 2020

5 – Full moon
10 – Central Montana Astronomy Society, monthly meeting (Great Falls)
12 – Lone Pine Star Party (Kalispell)
12 – Western Montana Astronomical Association, monthly meeting (Missoula)
13 – Public Observing Event (Helena Astronomical Society, Canyon Ferry Lake)
19 – Big Sky Astronomy Club monthly meeting (Kalispell)
19? – Kootenai Stargazers Astronomy Club, monthly meeting (Libby)
21 – New moon
28 – Stars Over Yellowstone (Madison Campground, Yellowstone NP)

July 2020

TBD – Moonlight kayak and hike at Bighorn Canyon NRA, check locally for dates and times (north of Lovell, WY)
3 – Star Party at Capitol Rock (meet at CCM, Ekalaka)
4 – Full moon
8 – Central Montana Astronomy Society, monthly meeting (Great Falls)
10 – Western Montana Astronomical Association, monthly meeting (Missoula)
11 – Public Observing Event (Helena Astronomical Society, Canyon Ferry Lake)
17? – Kootenai Stargazers Astronomy Club, monthly meeting (Libby)
17 – Glacier National Park Star Party #1 (Glacier NP)
17 to 19 – Big Sky Star Festival (MT Learning Center, Canyon Ferry Lake)
20 – New moon
28 – Delta Aquariid Meteor Shower peaks between midnight and dawn (after moon set)

August 2020

TBD – Moonlight kayak and hike at Bighorn Canyon NRA, check locally for dates and times (north of Lovell, WY)
3 – Full moon
11 and 12 – GNP Star Party Float ($625 per person) (Polebridge)
11 and 12 – Perseid Meteor Shower peaks between midnight and dawn (last quarter moon)
12 – Central Montana Astronomy Society, monthly meeting (Great Falls)
14 – Glacier National Park Star Party #2 (Glacier NP)
14 – Western Montana Astronomical Association, monthly meeting (Missoula)
15 – Public Observing Event (Helena Astronomical Society, Canyon Ferry Lake)
18 – New moon
18 – Star Party (Medicine Rocks State Park, Ekalaka)
19 – Star Party (MacNab Pond, Ekalaka)
21? – Kootenai Stargazers Astronomy Club, monthly meeting (Libby)
21- Glacier National Park Star Party #3 (Glacier NP)

September 2020

1 – Full moon
9 – Central Montana Astronomy Society, monthly meeting (Great Falls)
11 – Lone Pine Star Party (Kalispell)
11 – Western Montana Astronomical Association, monthly meeting (Missoula)
12 – Public Observing Event (Helena Astronomical Society, Canyon Ferry Lake)
17 – New moon
18 – Big Sky Astronomy Club monthly meeting (Kalispell)
18? – Kootenai Stargazers Astronomy Club, monthly meeting (Libby)
22 – Autumnal Equinox
22 – Autumnal Equinox Star Party (Carter Co. Museum, Ekalaka)
26 – International Night of the Moon (Helena Astronomical Society, Canyon Ferry Lake)

October 2020

1 – Full moon
7 – Draconid Meteor Shower best in early evening (waning gibbous moon)
9 – Western Montana Astronomical Association, monthly meeting (Missoula)
14 – Central Montana Astronomy Society, monthly meeting (Great Falls)
16 – New moon
16 – Big Sky Astronomy Club monthly meeting (Kalispell)
16? – Kootenai Stargazers Astronomy Club, monthly meeting (Libby)
17 – Public Observing Event (Helena Astronomical Society, Canyon Ferry Lake)
21 – Orionid Meteor Shower between midnight and dawn (after moon set)
23 – Star Party, Central Montana Astronomy Society (Great Falls)
31 – Full moon

November 2020

4 – North Taurids Meteor Shower between midnight and dawn (waning gibbous moon)
11 – South Taurids Meteor Shower between midnight and dawn (waxing crescent moon)
11 – Central Montana Astronomy Society, monthly meeting (Great Falls)
11 and 12 – IDA Annual General Meeting (San Antonio, TX)
13 – Big Sky Astronomy Club monthly meeting (Kalispell)
13 – Western Montana Astronomical Association, monthly meeting (Missoula)
14 – New moon
17 – Leonid Meteor Shower between midnight and dawn (waxing crescent moon)
20 – Star Party, Central Montana Astronomy Society (Great Falls)
20? – Kootenai Stargazers Astronomy Club, monthly meeting (Libby)
30 – Full moon

December 2020

3 – Collaborative Moon Game (Carter Co. Museum, Ekalaka)
9 – Central Montana Astronomy Society, monthly meeting (Great Falls)
11 – Western Montana Astronomical Association, monthly meeting (Missoula)
13 and 14 – Geminid Meteor Shower between mid-evening and dawn (new moon)
14 – New moon
18 – Star Party, Central Montana Astronomy Society (Great Falls)
18? – Kootenai Stargazers Astronomy Club, monthly meeting (Libby)
22 – Ursid Meteor Shower between mid-evening and dawn (after moon set)
29 – Full moon